May 25, 2021
Our guest this week is William Adoasi discusses:
-Getting mentored by Richard Branson.
-Leaving his cushy job to create Vitae London.
-His methods for saving/investing money, Spiritual practice and exercise routine.
-Changing his mindset to live for a higher purpose.
-His favorite book, place to visit, food to cook and...
May 20, 2021
Our guest this week Genecia Alluora discusses:
-Becoming Miss Singapore
-Mindset shifts
-Being in debit and coming out of it
-The importance of a mentor and good team around you.
May 12, 2021
Our guest this week is Patti Conrad discusses:
-Playing tennis as a competitive junior athlete
-Helping start-up Zilker Media become profitable in three years
-Staying on top of the cash flow on a weekly basis to ensure the company stays in a good financial position
-Personal Savings, Exercise, Spiritual...
May 4, 2021
Our guest this week is Angela Kristen Taylor discusses:
-Her love of writing from a young age
-Transforming her life from chaos to peace!
-The entrepreneurial group she leads where she helps entrepreneurs be more productive.
-The optimal schedule she lives by.