Sep 27, 2020
Our guest this week Stacey Hanke discusses:
-Working as exercise teacher for 20 plus years
-The importance of networking to get you company off the ground
-Working with a business coach and seeing opportunities you wouldn't have seen by yourself
-Her entrepreneur scholarship fund and much more..
Sep 21, 2020
Deloitte's new North American leader of the CFO Program: Steve Gallucci discusses:
-Working for and becoming a partner for Deloitte
-Financials predictions based on "CFO Signals" and much more..
Sep 14, 2020
Our guest this week Remy Chausse discusses:
-What spiritual injury is and how to overcome it.
-High frequency thought patters.
-How a late night phone call changed a person's life.
Sep 8, 2020
Our guest this week David Wilson discusses:
-Competing in the 1996 Olympic Games
-Helping people transform their financial situation
-Overcoming debt and making smart decisions
-And much more!